The most vital move you can make to start living on purpose is to assemble your A Team. Years ago, this was exactly what I didn’t have. Not having it caused me 17 years of wandering around the mountain before turning northward. Your A team is the difference between waiting for what life gives you and discovering the life you were born to live.
What is an A Team? I’m glad you asked.
Your A Team consists of those who know your vision clearly. The team ensures you are aligned with your purpose. When crushing situations cause you to question your pursuit to purpose, your A Team is there to encourage you. The team prepares you for fears that could immobilize you. They are accountable for picking you up and providing you with courage powerful enough to transform the minds of people who would die to keep you out of the room.
So, who’s on you’re A Team? I am glad you asked.
In retrospect, I’ve always had a supporting cast of family, friends and co-workers, but neither of them asked if my cup was running over. Not one of them took full accountability for making sure I was fulfilled. It didn’t matter to them if I lived on purpose. They simply assumed, loved me unconditionally and supported me.
The truth is you cripple yourself motionless by thinking someone else is responsible for your position in life or why you can’t get very far. Your family needs you, so you can’t. Carve out some boundaries. Your manager doesn’t see your value? Know your own value, self-assess and make strategic moves. Company won’t pay for training? Are you kidding? Invest in yourself. These are excuses I will never use again.
You are the only one who can search your heart for purpose, and then take action to live in it. Until you understand that you are the only one qualified for your A Team, you will never move forward. This is not what you were expecting, but your A Team is you.
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