When I tell you last Sunday's event was on point, that's an understatement. I am continuously surprised at what the power of true authentic women can set off in this universe when they come together.
I can't tell you I know exactly where my creator is leading me, but I can tell you that it certainly feels right and absolute. It soothes me. It confirms my space here on this earth. I've gotten in so deep that it no longer feels right if I am not doing it.
There were some magnanimous and altruistic souls who took a chance on me Sunday night. They understand what their lives can be if they slay the giants standing in their path. These sisters walked away with just a little more than they came with. They left with courage, support, tools, and genuine friendships with people who want to see them succeed.
I want to take a moment to share the points covered in Sunday night's Talk It Out session, "Slaying Your Giants".
I hope you can join us next time! Until then...