Every thought, every belief, and every decision made by past political leaders in power have largely resulted in the uncertainty this country is in right now.
Just as I can say this about this country, I can also say the same truth about you. The truth is every single thought, every single belief, and every single decision you've made equals the sum total of your current position in life. Let that resonate for a minute.
So, if you are looking for a change, I want to share something with you.
Your ability to BELIEVE is directly related to your ability to change your mind and circumstances from bad to good or from good to great.
Years ago, I wanted a change to a more purposeful life, but honestly didn't really believe I could do it. I was stuck in rut saying I wanted a change but never took the hard steps to make it happen. So, I ran in circles around the same issues, the same fears, and the same outcomes. Change couldn't happen until I learned that creating the life I wanted to live was highly dependent upon what I truly believed.
To get where you want to be (you or this country), sometimes you have to tear down old belief systems. Belief systems that say you are not good enough or that you have everything to fear. You see sometimes belief systems of your parents or grandparents are forced upon you in childhood because of the things that happened to them. I am here to tell you that what happened to them is not what should define who you are and how you show up in this world. Tear those old systems down and build new systems back up with faith, courage and tenacity. Until this happens, it is almost impossible to activate the inner power needed to change your life.
I challenge you and this country to believe that change can happen. Believe that change MUST happen. Start with these steps:
1. Be completely honest with yourself
2. Remove old beliefs that hinder you
3. Clearly define your best life
4. Make a plan to get there
5. Pray, educate, and move
I believe, I'll see you change your mind and your circumstance. And, if we all stand for good change, I believe I'll see this country own up to its missteps and rise up to meet all of humanity.
Watch My Feet Coaching
Teresa H. Snipes, Founder